Maxin Group Academy

The Best Learning Platform for Startups & Entrepreneurs  

Enjoy 24/7 access to high-quality e-learning courses developed by expert professionals. E-learning has transformed online education and it is now used in several countries worldwide.
Who Are We

About us

Discover Founders' Online Academy, your go-to destination for entrepreneurial wisdom and insights. Here, we're all about fueling your entrepreneurial journey with knowledge that can elevate your business.

Our mission is clear: we're here to bridge the gap between today's entrepreneurs and the successful visionaries of our generation. We believe that the best way to learn is from those who've been there and done that.

What makes us unique? We take the expertise, strategies, and real-life experiences of these exceptional leaders and convert them into practical, battle-tested resources. Dive into a world of podcasts, videos, articles, and online courses, all crafted to empower our global community of entrepreneurs in building and nurturing the next generation of exceptional businesses.

  • flexibility to complete courses from home or work at your own pace
  • the most up-to-date industry specific data and business materials
  • immediate results and feedback course quizzes and assessments
  • greater access to business expertise from experienced mentors and CEO's

Our vision

We achieve to be the best online learning platform for the Startup community globally,
from day one as a student until the last day of someone’s entrepreneurial journey.

Online Video Courses

Completion rate in 2023

Current Enrollments

Meet The Senior Team

These are the innovative creators that bring you Founders' Online Academy. They’re obsessed with substance, not just style. Creating content that’s less about a set of rules, and more like a guide. Building a brand that acts as a platform instead of a uniform.

Matt Silverman

Chief Revenue Officer - Maxin Group Limited

Mike Daniels

CEO of OBP - Orange and Black Pack

 Masa Maxin


Tamoghna Das

Oxford University UK Professor - Data Science/Prompt Engineer

Dean Maxin

CEO of Maxin Group Limited

Tony Gonzalves

Sports Agent NFL/NBA/NHL

Learn online using our award winning courses

Enjoy 24/7 access to high-quality e-learning developed by the most expert professionals
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