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By downloading this free report you will find out about:

  • Marketing AI Outcomes: The report discusses the various outcomes that can be achieved through the use of AI in marketing. This includes unlocking greater value from marketing technologies, generating higher ROI on campaigns, accelerating revenue growth, and gaining more actionable insights from marketing data (Page 18)
  • Barriers to Marketing AI Adoption and Education: The report identifies key barriers to the adoption of AI in marketing, such as a lack of education, training, and AI strategy. It also discusses the current state of AI-focused education and training in organizations, highlighting the need for improvement in this area (Page 5)
  • Marketing AI Confidence and Understanding: The report provides insights into the current state of confidence and understanding of AI technology among marketing professionals. It highlights the gradual improvement in confidence levels for evaluating and purchasing AI technology and the general progression from beginner to intermediate levels of AI understanding within the industry (Pages 5, 12)
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